7 Fun and Educational Games for your Nintendo Switch

Many are looking to buy the Nintendo Switch right now, especially since lockdown has squeezed families together, closed schools and sent parents looking for ways to keep restless kids occupied, while learning something at the same time. And indeed, this can be a great combination.
Despite offering games of ‘pure fun’ like racing in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or intuitive adventure puzzlers like Zelda, the fact is that the Switch can also be used to ‘gamify’ learning even more. The potential is huge, of using fun interaction (maybe in short levels or bursts) and fantasy scenarios to pass on at least some greater awareness or mental skill. It’s not always an easy balance to get right, but these following titles do well.
Yes, you can find many educational games available for PS4 and Xbox, but as ever the Nintendo focus is more on younger kids and family fun. The Switch is also one of the latest and most versatile (and portable) console. You also don't get annoying adverts like you do on mobile or smartphone apps.
So here’s our round-up of 7+ great educational games (not in any order) for Nintendo Switch, available either as direct download or separate purchase….
Labo Kits
We have to start here though, since there’s quite a range now. They encourage creative time for kids away from the screen, since it involves assembling kits, but which will then apply to a screen-based activity or game when ready or assembled.
The wide array of projects point to their popularity and to the strong, versatile nature of the Switch console. For would-be engineers they’re especially excellent, but any kid will get to see how their creations come to life when integrated with the console.
For musicians, there’s now a Piano and Guitar kit available, but it might be wise to begin with something more fun, like the Robot kit, as just a few examples in a growing library of possibility. The Variety Kit might also be a good choice, if you want your child to check out a range of 5 activities in one. And if your young one is addicted to Mario Kart then don’t worry: there’s a steering wheel project that can be applied to a special update for this game.
A graphically-rich adventure puzzle game with math involved? Perfect!
Numbala takes you on an epic adventure to save your best dog pal. It’s not all about (award-winning) adventure shooting though since Numbala is a Math game. Learning can and should be fun with the aim of giving kids a boost with their confidence at school. Created with the assistance of real life neuroscientists(!) and tested on over a hundred kids, with positive results showing that kids had improved in accuracy and response time.
Another math games, this is a one player, top-down, pirate-themed game provides 25 enjoyable levels orienteering past obstacles to reach treasure chests and gems.
Collecting said gems gives kids something to aim for, and in the process drives them via various basic formulas such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. It's all broken down into 3 different categories based on your child’s age group. Adventure + learning.
Human Resource Machine
This indie game from Tomorrow Corporation (who made World of Goo and Little Inferno) have created an intriguing puzzler to bend any mind. In the process, it teaches programming or coding basics via bite-size levels of challenge. Your boss has given you the task to teach your workers a job, but they will need to be programmed since they’re machines. Don’t worry, the coding is simple, and it will also teach math skills.
Another coding 'game', this one developed by FUZE Technologies will teach basic coding in its own ‘fully featured development environment’. It’s more comprehensive since it will allow kids to take their learning to deeper levels, but it means it’s great for adults too.
Coding is a valuable skill, and FUZE4 could well be the trigger that sets off a lifelong love of clear logic with instant results. The large library of gaming assets means young coders can attach their ideas to strong graphical levels.
Check out the full website to get an idea of what’s possible with it.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Any Mario fans - and players of all ages - will be pleased to try a game embracing light-hearted, puzzle-solving fun found in these previous titles. It just promotes some intuitive thinking outside of the box, as well as critical thinking skills and logic, but within a fun setup of short-fire gameplay sessions. It’s therefore a game which feels at home on the portable Switch.
Scribblenauts Mega Pack
It’s very silly, but that’s why your kids might love this. Scribblenauts have been around on earlier Nintendo platforms, and with different titles in this series, you should probably give at least one a go, like the Mega Pack.
The intention is to aid young players improve and expand their spelling and vocab by solving a wide range of lateral thinking problems. It’s also family-friendly fun.
as one more arty, bonus game we didn't get time to try out, take a look at 'Snipperclips'.....
Who says learning can’t be fun? We're planning to do more posts and round-ups about Nintendo Switch games and educational titles such as the Labo kits so stay tuned to Gaming Impact. Don't forget, we also offer free games for kids directly playable in your browser alongside fun mini-games, so keep our site open somewhere in your tabs!
Meantime, stay safe and happy learning at home!