Dive into SUBNAUTICA (before the new update arrives on console)

The underwater survival horror game Subnautica by Unknown Worlds has occasionally been at discount prices on console machines, and it’s a great idea to download and discover this classic game - before the next instalment arrives there too.
Subnautica: Below Zero has in fact been in Early Access for PC etc for a while, allowing the developer Unknown Worlds to test new ideas and work up a stand-alone update towards the best it can be. The latest update of these is the Frostbite update, which kicks off a new narrative along with many other elements. However, it remains a work in progress.
But was Subnautica a Great Game?
Yes. Here at Gaming Impact we like to keep an eye on games which (obviously) make - or have made - an impact, and Subnautica must be included. The reviews were all highly positive. It managed to tie the wonder of exploration with a strong story plus the ability to be creative - all in the guise of a gripping underwater survival experience. Its long gestation in Early Access allowed it to improve thanks to feedback and discussion.
The planet you crash land on is alien so we’re in science-fiction seas, but this gives the game an extra (and scarier) dimension. The strange ecosystem is superbly rendered in all its bioluminescent, dangerous glory. Sound design too is thoroughly appropriate and forms a big part of the experience.
'Necessity: The mother of invention'
It may help if you have a particular thirst for exploration and an admiration for the wonder of sea life. But it you’re wondering if this is another open-world, survival-crafting slog of a game, then the happy answer is… no, it isn't. Subnautica manages to wrap narrative elements with your options throughout, tightening up the focus while still offering freedom of choice. Of course, you will need to find food and water, build habitats the way you need (or like them), and brave the elements, but you will be powered by the story, the surroundings, and a good dose of fear. There will be moments you will remember, and the dive itself, will not be regretted!
Get it on console too
Some fixes and improvements were applied to the console versions of Subnautica, so it’s a great idea to pick up the game. Where the original benefited from its inception by a strong community deeply involved via its forums and website, right now, this process is underway once more for Below Zero. If you’re a PC player you can check out the latest Frostbite update out now on Steam etc. and start testing. Share your feedback on the Unknown Worlds website.
Meanwhile, let’s hope development and success continue in 2020, aided by the community to enable Below Zero is arrive on our consoles in a fashion that expands and complements the original Subnautica, and adds to its potent legacy.
Looking for other underwater games? Try out our quick mini-games from our wide range of free browser games and you could find one.
Gaming Impact only highlights games that deserve it. If you’d like to suggest another underwater titles for us to cover (perhaps for a new round-up of best underwater games) then your comments may help.